Weekly Highlights: Examining the Future of Jerusalem

Liputan6.com has selectively picked a few worth enough for our nationwide and worldwide online user base to be updated.

oleh Adanti PraditaFarhannisa Nasution diperbarui 21 Des 2015, 12:39 WIB
Menlu Palestina, Riad Al Maliki saat konferensi pers International Conference On the Questions of Jerussalem di Jakarta, Senin (14/12). Maliki menuduh Israel selalu melanggar kesepakatan bersama dengan pihak Palestina. (Liputan6.com/Faizal Fanani)

Liputan6.com, Jakarta - A surge of newsworthy information has populated the third week of December’s headline with each carrying its own importance at all level including national, regional and international. Without reducing the importance of one story from another, news and events which attract the most audience have been selected to become the high-on-demands products to our ‘Weekly Highlights’ this week.

In our ‘International Affairs’ section, one major story has successfully dominated worldwide headline and that involves the threatening terror message aiming at the conduction of terror in schools in New York and Los Angeles.

In our ‘Trending Topic’ section, we center our focus on the recent statement made by Hollywood actor Will Smith who claims that he would run for president in responding to the Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump hate speech against Muslim.

In our ‘What’s on Indonesia’ section, two have appeared to be gaining the most attraction.

First, our concentration is placed predominantly on the stepping-down of Indonesia’s House Speaker Setya Novanto who is currently being probed over ethical misconduct for allegedly demanding billion dollars worth of stake in the nation’s biggest mine.

The second story focuses very much on the forum held from 14-15 December 2015 which questions the very status of Jerusalem. The ‘International Conference on the Question of Jerusalem’ was held at Borobudur Jakarta and in-depth discussion followed by examination of the enduring Palestinian Israeli tumult was conducted effectively among speakers and participants.

In our 'Embassy Corner' section, our eyes are set on the recently held 82nd birthday celebration of Japanese Emperor Akihito held at Fairmount hotel Jakarta where Indonesian Vice President was also reportedly present to contribute into such festivity. This event has helped the two nations gain deeper relation with one another.

Learn more of the stories and keep yourself updated by watching the video below:


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