Lirik Lagu As It Was dari Harry Styles yang Melankolis tapi Asyik untuk Dijogeti, Jadi Trending Topic Usai Dirilis

Warganet ramai memperbincangkan lagu As It Was dari Harry Styles. Musiknya riang, tapi liriknya menyimpan kesedihan.

oleh Ratnaning Asih Diperbarui 01 Apr 2022, 17:40 WIB
Warganet ramai memperbincangkan lagu As It Was dari Harry Styles. Musiknya riang, tapi liriknya menyimpan kesedihan. (Tangkapan layar YouTube/ Harry Styles), Jakarta - Yang ditunggu-tunggu para penggemar Harry Styles akhirnya datang juga: perilisan lagu "As It Was." Lagu perdana dari album Harry's House yang akan rilis pada 20 Mei mendatang ini, diperkenalkan ke publik pada, Jumat (1/4/2022).

Begitu dirilis, "As It Was" langsung mendapat sambutan meriah. Selama berjam-jam, tagar yang berisi judul lagu ini menjadi trending topic di Twitter Indonesia.

Salah satu yang ramai diperbincangkan, adalah lagu synth-pop ini punya beat yang riang. Meminjam istilah mendiang Didi Kempot, "As It Was" asyik untuk dijogeti. Namun begitu menelisik liriknya, lagu ini ternyata menyimpan nuansa melankolis yang terselip di dalamnya.

Ingin ikut bernyanyi dan berjoget sekaligus merasa mellow? Simak lirik lagu "As It Was berikut ini:

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Lirik Lagu As It Was dari Harry Styles

As It Was, Harry Styles. (Instagram/ harrystyles)

Come on, Harry, we wanna say goodnight to you


Holdin' me back

Gravity's holdin' me back

I want you to hold out the palm of your hand

Why don't we leave it at that?


Nothin' to say

When everything gets in the way

Seems you cannot be replaced

And I'm the one who will stay, ooh..


In this world, it's just us

You know it's not the same as it was

In this world, it's just us

You know it's not the same as it was

As it was, as it was

You know it's not the same


Answer the phone

"Harry, you're no good alone"

"Why are you sitting at home on the floor?"

"What kind of pills are you on?"

Ringin' the bell

And nobody's coming to help

Your daddy lives by himself

He just wants to know that you're well, Ohh...


In this world, it's just us

You know it's not the same as it was

In this world, it's just us

You know it's not the same as it was

As it was, as it was

You know it's not the same



Go home, get ahead, light-speed internet

I don't wanna talk about the way that it was

Leave America, two kids follow her

I don't wanna talk about who's doin' it first



As it was

You know it's not the same as it was

As it was, as it was



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