, Jakarta - Billie Eilish resmi meluncurkan album ketiganya yang bertajuk Hit Me Hard and Soft pada 17 Mei 2024 lalu. Album yang dirilis di bawah Darkroom dan Interscope Records ini sukses merajai tangga lagu di lebih dari 20 negara, termasuk Amerika Serikat.
Hebatnya, selain menyanyikan keseluruhan lagu di album ini, lirik lagu Billie Eilish, dibantu oleh saudaranya, Finneas O'Connell, juga bertindak sebagai penulis lirik lagu.
Kesemua lagunya juga sukses meraih pujian. Termasuk single Chihiro yang saat ini tengah ramai diperbincangkan lantaran judulnya yang diambil dari karakter utama di film animasi Ghibli, Spirited Away.
"Lagu ini menceritakan sudut pandang (Chihiro), yang bercampur dengan sudut pandangku. Visual dalam filmnya juga termasuk yang terbaik yang pernah ada. Semua hal yang ada di Studio Ghibli sungguh luar biasa," ujar Billie Eilish dalam sebuah wawancara bersama Rolling Stones, terkait lirik lagu Chihiro ini.
Billie Eilish sukses meraih perhatian penikmat musik lewat single Ocean Eyes yang rilis pada 2015 lalu. Kariernya kemudian semakin melesat setelah merilis When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go? (2019) serta album kedua, Happier Than Ever pada 2021 lalu.
Kini, lewat album ketiganya, Billie Eilish siap untuk kembali merajai industri musik dunia. Bahkan, kurang dua bulan sejak rilis, Hit Me Hard and Soft telah mencapai 2 juta streaming, yang membuat album ini memecahkan rekor dari kesuksesan album-album Billie Eilish sebelumnya.
Lirik Lagu Chihiro
To take my love away
When I come back around, will I know what to say?
Said you won't forget my name
Not today, not tomorrow
Kinda strange, feelin' sorrow
I got change (yup), you could borrow (borrow)
When I come back around, will I know what to say?
Not today, maybe tomorrow
Open up the door, can you open up the door?
I know you said before you can't cope with any more
You told me it was war, said you'd show me what's in store
I hope it's not for sure, can you open up the door?
Did you take
My love away
From me? Me
Saw your seat at the counter when I looked away
Saw you turn around, but it wasn't your face
Said, "I need to be alone now, I'm takin' a break"
How come when I returned, you were gone away?
I don't, I don't know why I called
I don't know you at all
I don't know you
Not at all
I don't, I don't know why I called
I don't know you at all
I don't know you
Did you take
My love away
From me? Me
And that's when you found me
I was waitin' in the garden
Contemplatin', beg your pardon
But there's a part of me that recognizes you
Do you feel it too?
When you told me it was serious
Were you serious? Mm
They told me they were only curious
Now it's serious, hm
Open up the door, can you open up the door?
I know you said before you can't cope with any more
You told me it was war, said you'd show me what's in store
I hope it's not for sure, can you open up the door?
Wringing my hands in my lap
And they tell me it's all been a trap
And you don't know if you'll make it back
I said, "No, don't say that"