, Jakarta - Foto tentang bocah Palestina yang melawan tentara Israel beredar di media sosial. Dalam foto yang viral tersebut, terlihat seorang bocah yang tengah berdiri di hadapan tiga polisi.
Bocah kurus itu tampak membusungkan dada. Sementara ketiga polisi hanya menatapnya.
Foto ini kemudian dikaitkan dengan perlawanan bocah Palestina terhadap aparat Israel. Misalnya seperti yang diunggah oleh akun facebook Firda Lia pada 8 Mei 2019. Akun tersebut juga menambahkan sebuah narasi.
Seorang Bocah palestin membentak Sekelompok tentara israel.
Anak:kalian israel Laknatullah. Lihat Aku . Hadapi Aku. Jika Kalian Bertitle pembunuh. Bunuh Aku.
Israel:terdiam. .
Anak:kalian Laknatullah.. tidak bisakah kalian lihat sedetik saja kami hidup bahagia.
Israel: kamu terlalu kecil Untuk Kami Lawan...
Anak: Hanya karena aku kecil kalian takut membunuhku. Kalian bajingan. Kalian takut pada seorang anak laki laki. Tetapi kalian tidak pernah takut sama seorang perempuan. Kalian biadab. Laknatullah. Kalian takut membunuhku. Tapi kalian tidak takut membunuh ibuku.
Israel: kamu diam atau kami tembak...
Tetapi anak tersebut selalu mengucapkan Laknatullah. Laknatullah. Laknatullah. Sampai puluhan kali bahkan ratusan sambil air matanya mengalir.
Israel: terdiam ....Anak: coba kalian ada di posisi kami (Palestine) apa yang kalian lakukan. Kalian juga sama melakukan seperti apa yang kami lakukan.
Tiba tiba salah seorang dari israel menunjukakkan senjata kepada anak tersebut.
Israel: kamu diam. Kalau tidak kamu benar banar kami tembak.
Anak: Aku tidak bisa diam. Bagaimana aku harus diam. Sedangkan orang orang seperti kalian merajalela di negeri kami. Dimana hati nurani kalian. Saya tidak akan pernah takut sama siapapun kecuali Allah . Karena saya manusia dan kalian juga manusia. Saya mati kalian juga akan mati.
Israel: terdiam . Mendengar pembicaraan anak tersebut.
Anak:lebih baik aku pergi bersama ibuku. Daripada aku melihat kalian menyiksa Negaraku. Kalian iblis.
Israel:Menembak anak tersebut.
Lalu anak tersebut terdampar di tanah. Dengan satu pesan .
Anak:wahai israel laknatullah. Kalian bisa membunuhku dan saudara saudaraku. Tapi ingatlah Allah Akan Membalas semua yang kaliannlakukan terhadap kami.
Anak itupun menghembuskan Nafas terakhir dengan mengucapkanاشهادآلااله الااللله واشهدواآن مهمدرسول اللله," tulis Firda Lia.
Konten yang diunggah Firda Lia telah 4.307 kali dibagikan dan mendapat 481 komentar warganet.
Penelusuran Fakta
Dari penelusuran, bocah yang ada di dalam foto tersebut ternyata bukan bocah asal Palestina. Foto tersebut juga bukan menggambarkan kejadian perlawanan penduduk Palestina dengan aparat Israel.
Foto itu ternyata merupakan kejadian unjuk rasa suku Kurdi di Turki yang melibatkan anak-anak. Fakta ini sebagaimana dikutip dari situs dengan judul artikel 'Demonstrating Kurdish Children still Facing Prison Sentences in Turkey'. Di dalam artikel tersebut terdapat foto yang sama dengan yang diunggah akun facebook Firda Lia.
ISTANBUL, — Lawyer and rights defender Akço draws attention to the persisting problem of children on trial even after their release from prison due to a legal amendment in 2010. Akço demands an amendment of Article 31 of the TCK to solve the situation.
Turkey's parliament passed a law early on last July reducing penalties for children under 18 accused of terrorism-related offences. A top European human rights envoy last July urged EU membership candidate Turkey to radically reform its juvenile justice system, under which hundreds of Kurdish children have been jailed.
The children who are being tried under the Anti-Terror Law (TMY) because they attended demonstrations have been pushed aside from the agenda after certain legal amendments and after the campaigns of rights advocators have finished. However, lawyer Seda Akço, working in the field of children rights for many years,www.ekurd.netthinks that the problem is still going on and that it will even grow further if the justice system for children will not be reformed.
Due to legal amendments enforced in July 2010, children are not prosecuted under the same conditions as adults as it had been practices between 2006 and 2010. At the same time, the Court of Appeals took an important decision regarding a person who attended a demonstration upon the call of an illegal organization without actually being a member of the organization shall be punished like a member of an illegal organization.
According to Akço, the basic problem still persists, which is the question "whether to punish the children for their reactions". She emphasized, "The crucial point is to provide opportunities for the children to express their reactions. Otherwise, students participating in a canteen boycott and issuing a press release are punished as well - of course the severity of the penalty is important, too".
Children are not dangerous but in danger
So how should children who go to the streets to show their reactions be approached?
Akço highlighted that the police that are confronted with the demonstrators first should accept the fact that they can demonstrate and also the idea that children might be among them. Demonstrations are being made illegal. If violence is involved - including children - the police has to consider the children as "being in danger" and they have to act for their protection. They need a plan to take them out of the scene so they do not get harmed.
If they have to be taken into custody, this should not happen at the place of the incident but as far as possible upon request. It is not the duty of the police but of the prosecutor to determine who is guilty or suspicious. If the prosecutor decides to launch an investigation, priority should be given to avoid a restriction of the children's freedom. If there is a possibility for judiciary control, this should be preferred to detention. If a trial is launched, priority should be given to freedom of expression and punishment should only be considered as a last resort.
Akço argued, "I think that all children are facing common problems once an event has entered the field of crime. Children are being discriminated because they are Kurds but this is not specific to them, Romans and homosexuals are being discriminated as well, for instance".
"Article 31 of the TCK has to be amended"
In Akço's opinion, the actual problem is to allocate resources to fulfil the legal obligations of the many applications and administrative regulations.
A pressing problem is Article 31 of the Turkish Criminal Code (TCK) (Minor Status). Akço criticized that judges have no other option but punishment for children who are aware of the legal significance and consequences of the offence.
In fact, the reason that drove the child to the commitment of an offence should be determined and precautionary applications should be imposed to remove that reason. Only if this is considered to be inefficient, the court should decree for punishment.
"If a child commits a theft because he is hungry, it should be prevented from staying hungry. Looking at it from a specific angle, a solution for the children who attend demonstrations would also be a solution of the Kurdish question".
The lawyer stressed that the judiciary will try to find their own solutions as long as the government does not take according steps. Due to a lack of alternatives, this solution means punishing the children, Akço emphasized.
"I don't trust the amendment"
Akço furthermore indicated that the attitude of the police could be changed with an according approach of the administration.
"The release of children in detention was a relief, but we will see what is going to happen once the courts will establish their verdicts. (...) If the Prime Minister will make an announcement similar to the one in 2006 [What needs to be done will be done for women as well as children], detention houses will again be filled up with children.
Peristiwa seorang anak yang berhadapan dengan polisi ternyata bukan terjadi di Palestina. Foto itu merupakan kejadian saat suku Kurdi di Turki berunjuk rasa pada Januari 2011 lalu.
Mereka melibatkan anak-anak dalam unjuk rasa tersebut. Narasi yang dibangun dalam foto tersebut tidak sesuai dengan fakta yang sebenarnya.
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