
[Cek Fakta] Ini Video Perempuan Rusia yang 16 Tahun Dirawat oleh Anjing?

Seorang wanita terekam berjalan, berlari, dan melompat seperti hewan. Konon karena 16 tahun dirawat oleh anjing. Benarkah?, Jakarta - Beragam kabar marak di sosial media. Salah satunya seperti yang diunggah oleh akun Facebook bernama Jadikan Aku Sahabat Sejatimu pada Juli 2019 lalu.

Ia mengunggah sebuah video yang memperlihatkan seorang wanita yang konon dibesarkan selama 16 tahun oleh anjing. 

Perempuan tersebut bisa berlari dan melompat cukup tinggi. Tingkah polahnya mirip hewan mamalia itu. 

"ini kejadiannya di Rusia....16 tahun di besarkan oleh anjing... karena di telantarkan orang tuanya dr umur 3 tahun....kabar terakhir sdh di nyatakan sembuh dan bisa berkomunikasi layaknya seorang manusia!" tulis akun Jadikan Aku Sahabat Sejatimu menyertai unggahan videonya.

Hingga saat ini, unggahan tersebut sudah dibagikan 32 ribu kali. Ada 3.000 komentar dan unggahan itu disukai 31 ribu pengguna Facebook lainnya.


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Penelusuran Fakta

Berdasarkan penelusuran Tim Cek Fakta, penampakan perempuan tersebut mirip yang ada dalam unggahan akun YouTube Prag News pada 22 Mei 2019.

Bedanya, perempuan di dalam rekaman tak disebut mirip anjing, tapi kuda. 

Dalam unggahan video berjudul, Unbelievable talent: Horse Woman Ayla Kirstine becomes overnight sensation with her horse gallop, disebutkan bahwa perempuan itu bernama Ayla Kirstine asal Norwegia. Ia bisa menirukan gerak kuda, bahkan bisa melompat tinggi. 


[Cek Fakta] Viral Wanita Dirawat dan Dibesarkan Kuda, Faktanya?

"Ever seen any person running around, galloping, jumping like a horse? Well this thing has come out true. Meet Horse Woman Ayla Kirstine from Norway who has set the internet racing with her bizarre talent.

#HorseWoman #AylaKirstine #PragNews," demikian narasi yang menyertai unggahan tersebut. 

Selain itu, juga mengunggah hal serupa pada 17 Mei 2019. Dalam artikel berjudul, 'A Norwegian woman's videos have gone viral because of how good she is at running and jumping like a horse', dijelaskan bagaimana Ayla Kirstine menjadi viral lantaran kemampuan yang dimilikinya.

Dia tidak hanya mampu menelungkuk seperti kuda, tetapi juga berhasil melompati pagar kayu. 

[Cek Fakta] Viral Wanita Dirawat dan Dibesarkan Kuda, Faktanya?

"As a child, you may have pretended to be a horse — but chances are you've got nothing on Ayla Kirstine.

Kirstine, from Norway, has amazed the internet with her equine skills after going viral on German Twitter. Not only does she canter with the form of a horse, but she even manages to jump cleanly over a wooden bench as if her body were made for it.

Kirstine has had a public account on Instagram for about three weeks, but her popularity has gained a lot of traction since a Twitter user named Cherno tweeted out one of her videos on Tuesday and dubbed her a "Pferdemädchen," or horse woman.

Here she is practicing with some homemade jumps.

"When I was 4 years old I loved dogs and wanted to be a dog myself," Kirstine told INSIDER. "So when I knew I liked horses I only used what I had learned."

Asked how she kept from injuring her wrists, she said: "I don't really know, but I don't have any pain in my body."

Not everyone has been supportive of Kirstine's unusual hobby. On Thursday, Kirstine posted a black square on Instagram with a caption suggesting she'd received some unkind comments.

"I wonder if i should delete my Instagram profile..." she wrote. "I do not know and do not intend to do it yet! So take it easy and calm down..."

She said that comments not in Norwegian or English would be deleted. In response, people expressed how much they loved her page and begged her not to get rid of it.

"Do what you love!" one person wrote. "You're really good at running/jumping on all fours, it's impressive! I bet it's a great workout, too."

Another said: "You've got an amazing talent!"

Kirstine must have appreciated the positive feedback, because she uploaded a new video soon after thanking people for their comments.

"I'm so sensitive that I'm scared of absolutely everything!" she wrote. "Seriously, I thought I had got cancer in a mole just because I saw an advertisement that one could get cancer in the moles... There you have me..."

It appears Kirstine isn't the only person to get in touch with their inner horse. The account "" shows a woman who has been at it for six years."

Terakhir, juga mengunggah artikel serupa pada 19 Mei 2019. Artikel itu berjudul 'Norwegian woman becomes internet sensation because of her 'horse' running, jumping'.

[Cek Fakta] Viral Wanita Dirawat dan Dibesarkan Kuda, Faktanya?

"A Norwegian woman went viral last week for her ability to run and jump like a horse.

Ayla Kirstine from Norway has been popping up around the internet because of her amazing ability to move like a horse, with some people referring to her as "pferdmadchen," which roughly translates to "horse girl (woman)" in German.

Kirstine's abilities were first noticed on Twitter in Germany before spreading around the rest of the world. She's received both positive and negative responses about her abilities, with some teasing her with unkind comments while others praising her for being true to herself.

Though Kirstine's videos have recently gone viral around the globe, people running like horses is a little more common than you might think.

Anna Salander, who was 10 when this video was first published, showcased her abilities with obstacles used in equestrian competitions.

Another young girl demonstrated her ability to hurdle over obstacles on all-fours during an episode of Steve Harvey's "Little Big Shots" on NBC.

This Instagram user also shared her ability to jump like a horse as well.

According to an interview with INSIDER, Kirstine has been practicing since she was four because of her love of dogs.

"When I was [four] years old, I loved dogs and wanted to be a dog myself," Kirstine told INSIDER. "So, when I knew I liked horses, I only used what I had learned.""


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Video yang diunggah akun Facebook bernama Jadikan Aku Sahabat Sejatimu memang benar adanya. Tetapi, alur cerita soal wanita tersebut tidak benar.

Perempuan asal Norwegia, Ayla Kirstine memiliki kemampuan menirukan gerak kuda. Tapi bukan berarti ia dibesarkan oleh kuda, apalagi anjing. 

Referensi soal kaitan Ayla Kirstine dan anjing, salah satunya dimuat situs Artikel tersebut memuat kutipan perempuan tersebut, yakni: 

"When I was 4 years old I loved dogs and wanted to be a dog myself," Kirstine told INSIDER.  

Yang jika diterjemahkan berarti, "Saat masih berusia 4 tahun, aku suka sekali dengan anjing dan ingin jadi seekor anjing," kata Kirstine. Itu mengapa ia menirukan gerakan anjing, dan belakangan ia bisa menirukan gerak seekor kuda. 

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