, Jakarta - Kabar tentang munculnya spesies durian baru bernama Blackthorn, viral di media sosial. Kabar ini diunggah oleh akun facebook Pplawak news pada 5 Juni 2019 lalu.
Akun facebook Pplawak news mengunggah foto durian yang dianggap spesies baru tersebut. Dalam foto tersebut, durian bernama Blackthorn itu berwarna hitam.
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Akun Pplawak news kemudian menuliskan sebuah narasi yang mengeklaim bahwa durian tersebut adalah spesies baru.
"Spesies durian baru, Blackthorn (hēi cì)," tulis akun facebook Pplawak news.
Penelusuran Fakta
Kabar tentang durian spesies baru berwarna hitam yang bernama Blackthorn ternyata tidak benar. Informasi ini dikutip dari situs dengan judul artikel "No, this is not a photo of black durian fruit".
Dalam artikel itu disebutkan bahwa durian Blackthorn tidak pernah ada. Foto, seperti yang diunggah akun facebook Pplawak news, merupakan hasil suntingan.
An image purporting to show black-skinned durian fruit growing on a tree has been shared dozens of times in multiple posts on Facebook and Twitter that claim it is a new species called Blackthorn. The image has been doctored from an original in which the fruit appears green. A new durian variety called Blackthorn does exist, but it is not black in colour.The photo was published in this Facebook post on June 3, 2019 by a page called “Singapore Incidents”, which has more than 96,000 followers.
The photo, which has been shared more than 85 times, shows four durian fruit with black husks, alongside a caption that states: “New durian species, Blackthorn”.
Durian is a pungent tropical fruit grown in Southeast Asia; here is a dictionary definition.
The Chinese characters in the caption translate to English as "Blackthorn". Blackthorn is a new variety of durian fruit with its own website, The variety of durian is green in colour.
The same photo was published here on Facebook with an identical claim. It was also published here on Twitter with an identical claim.
The image in the misleading post has been doctored; a reverse image search on Google found a similar photo in this article published on June 4, 2016, on the website of Malaysian Chinese newspaper Nanyang Siang Pau.
The photo in the article is almost identical to the image in the misleading post, but it shows the durians with green outer shells, not black.
Some other elements are different in the two photos; for example, there is a light blue string hanging from the tree in the original image which does not appear in the misleading Facebook post.
The Blackthorn variety’s website states here that the new fruit variety was created in Penang, Malaysia.
The site also contains multiple pictures of blackthorn durians, which are not black-skinned as claimed.
Below is a screenshot of the site’s photo gallery page. The “matured fruiting trees” section shows the variety with its green husk.
Tidak ada spesies durian baru berwarna Blackthorn dan berwarna hitam. Foto durian berwarna hitam itu adalah hasil suntingan.
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