
Cek Fakta: Wanita di China Disuntik Mati karena Virus Corona? Ini Faktanya

Viral kabar tentang seorang wanita di China disuntik mati oleh polisi karena Virus Corona. Benarkah?, Jakarta - Kabar tentang seorang wanita di China disuntik mati oleh polisi karena terinfeksi virus corona (Covid-19) beredar di media sosial. Kabar ini salah satunya disebarkan oleh akun Facebook Navias Tanjung pada 13 Februari 2020.

Akun Navias Tanjung mengunggah sebuah video. Dalam video berdurasi 1 menit 43 detik itu, memperlihatan sejumlah polisi menarik paksa seorang wanita keluar dari dalam mobil. Wanita tersebut kemudian terkapar di jalanan. Tak berselang lama, sejumlah polisi tersebut memindahkan wanita tersebut ke dalam sebuah mobil polisi.

Akun Facebook Navias Tanjung juga menambahkan sebuah narasi dalam konten yang diunggahnya.

"Astagfirullah...yang terjangkit virus corona sekarang sdh ngak ada diobatin langsung tembak atau di suntik Mati," tulins akun facebook Navias Tanjung.

Konten yang diunggah akun facebook Navias Tanjung sudah 11 ribu kali dibagikan dan mendapat 34 komentar warganet.

Benarkah klaim tersebut?

2 dari 4 halaman

Penelusuran fakta

Cek fakta menelusuri kebenaran kabar tentang seorang wanita disuntik mati oleh polisi China karena virus corona.

Ketika ditelusuri dengan mesin pencari google dengan kata kunci "police kill woman corona virus", ditemukan sebuah artikel yang membantah video tersebut. Artikel tersebut berasal dari situs berjudul "Fact Check: Did police publicly kill coronavirus-infected woman in China?".

Dalam artikel tersebut dijelaskan bahwa video sejumlah polisi yang menyeret seorang wanita dari dalam mobil, ternyata tidak terkait virus corona, melainkan si wanita tersebut diduga melanggar aturan tentang mengendarai mobil. Video tersebut diambil di Provinsi Heilongjiang, China.

With more than 900 dead and 40,000 infected, China is dealing with a massive outbreak of coronavirus. Amid this, social media is full of misinformation regarding the epidemic.

A video showing policemen dragging a woman out of a car and pinning her to the ground is going viral on Facebook with the claim that cops in China publicly killed a lady infected with coronavirus. Facebook page Daily updates uploaded the video with the claim: A lady Infected by Corona virus killed by Chinese police on road.

India Today Anti Fake News War Room (AFWA) found the claim to be misleading. The woman in the viral video is not infected with the coronavirus. The video is from the Heilongjiang province of China, where the government has banned private cars. Apparently, the woman did not receive any notice, and the police forcefully took her into custody for violating the order.

AFWA probe

The one-minute-33-second video shows policemen trying to overpower the woman after dragging her out of a car. The woman seems to have lost consciousness, after which she is taken in a police van. The archived version of the post can be seen here.

Many Facebook users such as Aziz Lamin and Rised SoLo also shared the post.

However, Facebook user Surjakanta Pukhrambam posted a screenshot of another video of the incident, whose description says Heilongjiang has banned private cars, but a woman who said she did not receive any such notification was taken away by police.

Searching the Internet with the help of keywords like Heilongjiang woman car police we found that the video has been viral on social media since February 7, 2020.

YouTuber Truth Wins uploaded the video on February 7 with the caption, The woman was forced out of her car by the police.

The details in the YouTube video read, The government of Heilongjiang province in China bans all the private cars in the street. The woman, who did not receive the notice, was pulled out of her car by the police

Twitter handle @kiss486 also posted the same video on February 7 with details in Chinese.

The Google translation says, About three hours ago from Heilongjiang Twitter. Heilongjiang issued a notice prohibiting private cars from going on the road. An uninformed woman was then driven on the road and stopped by police. The woman had clearly informed that she had not been notified, but was still forcibly dragged off by the police and fell to the ground. She did not know what methods the police used. The woman suddenly passed out and did not move. The whole of China has fallen into a turbulent phase.

We found a longer version of the viral video on a Chinese YouTube channel Vision Times. Here, in the initial few seconds, the woman can be seen sitting beside the driver, talking on a mobile phone with a mask on her face. Policemen can be seen waiting outside the car.

Then, in the next frame, she is being dragged out of the car by the same cops. The loose translation of the YouTube caption in Chinese reads, Heilongjiang Province has closed the province. Private cars are forbidden to go on the road. The woman was violently stunned by the police and carried onto the police car because she did not know!

The same news with the viral video is found in several Chinese websites such as and

According to these news reports, China has banned private cars in several provinces including Heilongjiang. In this particular video, the woman did not know about the notification, and policemen forced her out of the car and took her in custody.

During the scuffle, she lost her senses and was taken to a police van. People on social media criticised police for violent action. But nowhere was it reported that the woman was infected with coronavirus or that she was killed by the police.

However, it is true that Chinese authorities have imposed several restrictions on citizens’ movement to tackle the further spread of coronavirus. These reports can be seen here and here.

AFWA has earlier debunked a number of fake news related to coronavirus.

3 dari 4 halaman


Video seorang wanita di China diseret paksa oleh polisi tidak terkait dengan virus corona. Narasi yang diunggah oleh akun facebook Navias Tanjung tidak sesuai dengan fakta sebenarnya.


Data: Eka M

4 dari 4 halaman

Tentang Cek Fakta merupakan media terverifikasi Jaringan Periksa Fakta Internasional atau International Fact Checking Network (IFCN) bersama puluhan media massa lainnya di seluruh dunia. 

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