, Aceh - There is always a silver lining to every exceptionally dark cloud. This is best portrayed through the catastrophic event occurred in 2004 which was considered as one of the deadliest tsunami occurrences in the 21st century. But again, disasters can always yield its victims important life lessons to be learned as to make them stronger.
Although reports have shown up to hundreds of thousands casualties were evident on the site as well as the property damages and losses, Aceh sees that as a turning point where the city has to rebuild itself and allow sustainable development to take place and continue to progress.
A decade post-tsunami, the development in Aceh has been progressing rapidly. The development includes all sectors.
"Aceh has advanced itself more rapidly than ever after the major disaster which has harshly hit it a decade ago. The construction and the rebuilding process focus on all aspects including the economy, education and health sector," said the Australian Deputy Chief of Mission to Indonesia David Engel.
To commemorate the historic event, Engel is planning to attend the 10th anniversary of the Tsunami tragedy in Aceh on the 26 of December 2014. Engel will be joined by senior representatives from Indonesia and other international delegates to mark the reconstruction of Aceh after the large- scale earthquake followed by a deadly tsunami around the Indian Ocean in 2004.
Australia's contribution to the reconstruction of Aceh includes helping the rebuilding of infrastructure, and give moral support for the people in Aceh to restart their lives.
"Our main priority will be to tackle the challenges encountered in the development process. The Australian government will continue to maintain cooperation with the people of Aceh and the Indonesian government to address these challenges," Engel explains.
Australian government has provided a number of assistance programs that support the reconstruction of schools, villages, and health facilities.
"This will inevitably help them to rebuild their lives, allowing them to have professions again, and improve skills to better enhance government services," he added.
During his visit in Aceh, Engel will present honours/reverence to the victimized as the mass Siron cemetery and plans to visit 'Thanks to the World' exhibition. (Akp/Riz)