
Cerita 'Baby Jett' yang Lahir Prematur di Usia 25 Minggu

Sang orang tua pun sangat senang bahwa anak prematur ini kini hidup sehat. Usianya sudah 1 tahun lebih., Portsmouth - Seorang dokter memberitahukan berita buruk kepada pasangan Mhairy dan Paul, bahwa buah hati mereka tak harus segera digugurkan demi keselamatan. Sebab air ketubannya sudah pecah pada minggu ke-20.

"Mereka menyebut janin itu tidak layak, aku sangat terpukul," ujar Mhairy dilansir dari, Rabu (07/01/2015).


"Saya mengerti dokter harus memberitahu skenario terburuk itu, tapi kami akan memberi kesempatan bagi Jeff," jelas Mhairy.

Jett Morris pictured just after he was born at Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth. See MASONS story MNMIRACLE: A couple who claim they were pressured to abort her 'non-viable' unborn baby son are  celebrating his first birthday after proving doctors wrong. Little Jett (corr) Morris survived for five weeks in the womb after his mum's waters broke when she was just 20 weeks pregnant. He was born at 25 weeks weighing just 1.4lbs - less than a bag of sugar - and has now grown into a healthy one year-old. But parents Mhairi and Paul say their baby boy would not be here today if they had succumbed to pressure from medics to terminate the pregnancy.

Mereka tetap bersikeras mempertahankan bayi yang diberinama Jett Morris. 5 Minggu kemudian atau pada usia kehamilan minggu ke-25, Baby Jett lahir prematur dengan bobot 453 gram.

Baby Jett pun terlahir ke dunia, meski dokter memperingatkan buah hati mereka bisa mengalami kerusakan otak dan tak terselamatkan akibat paru-parunya tidak berkembang.

Jett kecil menderita penyakit paru-paru kronis dan penyakit kuning. Ia dirawat sekitar hampir 3 minggu.

Kini Baby Jett sudah berusia 1 tahun lebih. Ia pun tumbuh dengan sehat.

Jett Morris pictured just before his first birthday. See MASONS story MNMIRACLE: A couple who claim they were pressured to abort her 'non-viable' unborn baby son are  celebrating his first birthday after proving doctors wrong. Little Jett (corr) Morris survived for five weeks in the womb after his mum's waters broke when she was just 20 weeks pregnant. He was born at 25 weeks weighing just 1.4lbs - less than a bag of sugar - and has now grown into a healthy one year-old. But parents Mhairi and Paul say their baby boy would not be here today if they had succumbed to pressure from medics to terminate the pregnancy.