, Jakarta - The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) officially declares the presence of 36 new types of drugs with rampant widespread of its distribution and usage detected all across Indonesia. The institution's laboratory for drug testing reveals the recently detected type of drugs to fall under the category of New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) which is marketed as 'legal highs'.
"BNN lab has successfully detected the presence of 36 NPS with its popularity widened to many parts within Indonesian region," BNN Public Relation Officer, Slamet Pribadi notifies, Friday (9/8/2015).
Baca Juga
Out of the 36 NPS detected, 18 have been included in the Health Ministry’s Constitutional Act Number 13 year of 2014.
"What BNN sought for is the inclusion of NPS into the narcotics law as to alarm the general population about the challenges to their overall health as well as to anticipate future attempts of dealers in distributing the largely modified new types of drugs both legally and illegally," Slamet continues.
List of 18 recently detected NPS which have been included in the Health Ministry Law Act Number 13/2014 as follow:
Methylone (MDMC) a mixture of salvia divinorum, mushroom and other MDMA-based substances with effects include: stimulant, hallucinogen, insomnia, sympathomimetic and ecstasy-like sensation.
Mephedrone (4-MMC), designed as a synthetic stimulant drug of amphetamine with effects includes: ecstasy-like sensation, euphoria, dilated pupils, grinding teeth, cocaine-confidence and increased heartbeat.
Pentedrone, a combination of bath salts and ingredients of legal herbal highs with effects include: euphoria, psychotic- episode, increased focus, increased productivity, paranoia, agitation, visual distortion and momentary crystal meth-like sensation.
4-MEC chemically similar to that of mephedrone with equally stimulating kick-in feeling and depressing downturn effects.
MDPV, four times the potency of a Ritalin with effects include: euphoria, aphrodisiac, increased sociability and other stimulating form of bodily impacts.
Ethcathinone (N-ethylcathinone), the most dominant ingredient in 'Party Pills' and sold illegally as ecstasy with effects include: stimulant, euphoria, grinding teeth, blurred vision, slurred speech, energetic, hallucination and increased heart rate.
MPHP, with similar stimulant compound to that of MDMA.
JWH-018, Synthetic Cannabinoid, with effects include hallucinogen, cannabinoid and intoxicated feeling.
XLR-11, Synthetic Cannabinoid, with effects similar to that of MPHP.
DMA (Dimethylamphetamine), with stimulating effects but lower than the level of crystal meth.
5-APB, containing Phenethylamine, predominantly stimulating.
6-APB, containing Phenethylamine, euphoric effect.
PMMA, containing Phenethylamine, with effects include hallucinogen, insomnia, and sympathomimetic.
2C-B, containing Phenethylamine, hallucinogenic effect.
DOC, containing Phenethylamine, with euphoric effect and archetypal psychedelic.
25I-NBOMe, containing Phenethylamine, with effects include: stimulant, hallucinogen compound.
25B-NBOMe, containing Phenethylamine, with effects include: stimulant, hallucinogen compound.
25C-NBOMe, containing Phenethylamine,with effects include stimulant and hallucinogen compound.