
Indonesia's Nuclear Site Construction: It's a Must

National Nuclear Agency considers the construction is not an option nor it is an alternative to depleting sources of other energy., Jakarta The Indonesian National Nuclear Agency (BATAN) is again highlighting the need for the archipelago state to take the development of nuclear power plant seriously and for its construction to be conducted soon as it has been included in the National Long- term Development Plan (PJMN) for the period of 2005-2025.

The Deputy of Technology division from BATAN Taswanda Taryo explains that supply of other types of energy is experiencing depletion and thus, reliance to nuclear energy should be one taken into full consideration.

“We have to realize that we are running out of energy, the ones that we rely now are gradually diminishing. Nuclear power plant  but it is a must,” Taswanda said on Monday 14 December 2015.

According to him, the government ought to consider allowing for its construction to be done as early as this year should it desire for consistency in the application of 2005-2025 Long-term National Development Plan. Hence, the decision for such establishment needs to be made as soon as possible due to the relatively long time entailed for the overall construction process.

“In order to create nuclear power plant, the length of time needed for its successful construction would be 10 years and therefore, to make it possible in 2025, now it is the best time to seal the deal and get it started,” he explained.

Indonesian President Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo has previously expressed his encouragement for the population to start appreciating renewable energy usage with his target of such ambition envisioned at 23% and at the current stage, it has only ascended to 10%. Therefore, for effective usage of renewable energy, nuclear energy ought to be taken seriously and hopefully by 2025, the plan can be actualized.
