, Jakarta A high-level meeting among leaders of member countries in the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation (OKI) is due to take place this upcoming March. The summit reportedly will take two days starting from the 6 and ends on the 7.
Indonesia’s Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Arrmanatha Nasir informs that Indonesia has been chosen to host the summit and such decision was not made without any strong reasoning.
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The organization recognizes Indonesia’s intrinsic quality here being the fourth highly populated nation in the world housing the largest Muslim population. Additionally, the country has been showing its unfailing commitment to help Palestine reaching its independence.
“Indonesia has been set as the location where leaders engage in high-level summit as its commitment was a blatant and undying one for Palestine. We have also been chosen as the host country as we have successfully conducted a series of others in the past,” Arrmanatha shared earlier today, Monday (25/1/2016).
“Preparation for Asia Africa Conference last time was done only less than a year and it did not prevent the event to be held successfully and smoothly,” he shared further.
According to him, the imminent summit has been deemed as ‘urgent’ due to the prolongation of Palestine status issue.
“Why it is urgent? It is because the issue surrounding Palestine’s status continues to linger and no concrete progress has been made,” he concluded.