
Ular Piton hingga Bom Palsu, 6 Benda Aneh yang Dibawa Penumpang di Bandara AS

Berikut hal-hal aneh yang dibawa oleh penumpang pesawat saat melewati pemeriksaan bandara di Amerika Serikat., Washington DC - Setiap tahun, otoritas keamanan bandara Amerika Serikat (TSA) menyaring sekitar 700 juta pelancong di hampir 450 bandara. Itu berarti lebih dari 2 juta penumpang setiap hari diperiksa oleh TSA.

Dan sementara kebanyakan orang melewati pos pemeriksaan keamanan bandara tanpa insiden, segelintir pelancong berhenti setiap hari — kadang-kadang karena berusaha membawa beberapa barang yang benar-benar aneh ke gerbang keberangkatan mereka.

Berkat akun Instagram TSA yang memenangkan penghargaan Webby, para petugas kemanan telah melacak hal-hal aneh yang dibawa penumpang dan dilihat oleh agen keamanan bandara pada 2018, berikut di antaranya, seperti dikutip dari, Minggu (6/1/2019).


Simak video pilihan berikut:


2 dari 4 halaman

1. Ular Piton dalam CPU

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Agent Neville Flynn would be extremely proud of our officers at the Miami International Airport (MIA). You see, Agent Flynn has HAD IT with snakes on planes, and our officers prevented a young Ball Python from flying the friendly skies this past Sunday. ... A traveler on her way to the Grantley Adams International Airport (BGI) in Barbados attempted to smuggle the snakelet inside of an external hard drive packed in her checked bag. If you think airplane seats can feel constricting, imagine how this little guy felt! Talk about bad memories! … While the python itself posed no danger to anyone on the aircraft, an organic item concealed inside electronics raises security concerns, which is why our officers took a closer look. … The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service ( @USFWS ) was notified. They responded and took possession of the snake and cited the traveler. Both the traveler and the snake missed their flight. … Conversationally, this python had not gone full monty. It was wearing a nylon stocking. … #SnakesOnPlane #SnakesAlmostOnAPlane #MIA #BGI #Miami #Barbados

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Seorang pelancong yang bepergian dari Miami International Airport ke Barbados rupanya berpikir bahwa adalah ide yang baik untuk meniru kembali adegan film "Snakes on a Plane" ketika ia membawa ular piton yang dibungkus dalam stoking berbahan nilon dan menyembunyikannya di dalam hard drive eksternal komputer.

Balai Konservasi Satwa AS, menyita barang pelancong dan menyelamatkan makhluk malang itu.


2. Granat Palsu Bertema Acara Pernikahan

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We know it didn’t go down this way, but we’d like to imagine that the groom lobbed these inert well-dressed grenades over his shoulder to his groomsmen, just as bouquets are tossed to bridesmaids. We could see a conversation going something like this. … Chad: “I was so close to catching one, bruh.” … Randy: “Whatever, Chad! Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. Oh wait…” … Randy & Chad: “Hahahahaha! Bruh…” … OK, back to the real world. These dapper inert grenades were wedding gifts for groomsmen. They were discovered in a checked bag at the Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR). … When our officers spot a potential explosive on the monitor, they cannot just open the bag and take a looksee to find out if it’s real or not. A TSA explosives specialist or a police department bomb squad must respond before the bag is ever opened. This can lead to costly evacuations, delays, and missed flights. These types of items can also lead to hefty fines and arrest. Contact your preferred shipper about your options, because they can’t travel via commercial aircraft. So even though they aren’t real, they can cause a lot of headaches.

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Akun Instagram TSA menjelaskan mengapa membawa benda itu adalah ide yang buruk: "Ketika petugas kami menemukan potensi bahan peledak di monitor pemeriksaan X-Ray, mereka tidak bisa begitu saja membuka tas dan melihat apakah ada yang asli atau tidak. Spesialis bahan peledak TSA atau pasukan bom departemen kepolisian harus merespons sebelum tas dibuka."

"Hal ini dapat menyebabkan evakuasi yang mahal, penundaan, dan penerbangan yang terlewat. Jenis barang ini juga dapat menyebabkan denda dan penangkapan. Hubungi pengirim pilihan Anda tentang opsi Anda, karena mereka tidak dapat melakukan perjalanan melalui pesawat komersial. Jadi meskipun mereka (granat itu) palsu, mereka dapat sangat merepotkan."

3 dari 4 halaman

3. Gunting Raksasa untuk Seremonial

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If you think these scissors will cut your travel time through the checkpoint, you’ve got the wrong idea. ... Please don’t get snippy when our officers tell you that you can’t pack these ginormous ceremonial ribbon cutting scissors in your carry-on. ... These were discovered in a carry-on bag at the Nashville International Airport (BNA). And it wasn’t by “shear” luck that our officers discovered them. They’re huge. To paraphrase Douglas Adams, these scissors were big. Really big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big they were. … However, scroll to the next picture and you’ll see a run of the mill regular pair of sewing scissors. These are allowed. At one point, all scissors were prohibited, but for the last 10-years or so, scissors have been permitted as long as they are no longer than 4-inches from the fulcrum. This picture is a screenshot of a tweet that was sent to our AskTSA team. … Speaking of the AskTSA team, have you ever wondered whether or not you can pack a certain item? If you're a regular follower of this account, I'm sure you can think of many situations where it would have behooved somebody to send us a picture first. Well, fret no more! Now you can do just that! … Simply snap a picture and tweet it to AskTSA (, or send it via Facebook Messenger ( and our team will get back to you promptly with an answer. … And that's not all! Contact the team about any TSA related issue or question you might have. They can even help you if you don’t see TSA Pre✓® on your boarding pass. … The team looks forward to answering your questions, 9am-7pm daily. #AskTSA #TSATravelTips #TSA … #PSA – While it’s ok to pack scissors, you should never, ever run with them.

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Tidak seperti pisau, gunting diperbolehkan di dalam tas jinjing penumpang oleh otoritas keamanan bandara Amerika Serikat — asalkan lebih pendek dari empat inci dari titik tumpu. Gunting pemotong pita seremonial yang ditemukan di Bandara Internasional Nashville ini adalah sebuah pengecualian.


4. Benda Tajam untuk Cosplay

Kebijakan pisau TSA jelas dan ketat: penumpang tidak boleh membawa pisau apa pun di tas. Termasuk, ketika penumpang membawanya dengan ditempelkan di ujung jari, bak karakter Freddy Kruger dalam film waralaba Nightmare on Elm Street.

4 dari 4 halaman

5. Bom Rakitan Palsu

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The item you see pictured here is designed to look exactly like an improvised explosive device (IED). This is why after our officer spotted it on the X-ray image, six checkpoint lanes were immediately closed. Travelers were moved  to a safe distance to keep them out of harm’s way while the Port Authority Police, TSA explosives experts, and the Essex County Bomb Squad responded to ensure that the item was inert. Hundreds of travelers were inconvenienced. … The man carrying the IED in his carry-on bag was traveling to Florida to participate in a training event focused on X-ray detection of explosive devices. He knew full well that the inert IED he was transporting was a test item that was built and designed to mimic a fully-assembled bomb when viewed on an X-ray monitor. He should have known better than to bring an inert IED to an active TSA checkpoint. He was arrested by Port Authority Police. … TSA has the authority to access civil penalties of up to $13,000 to individuals who bring weapons to airports. Civil penalties are also issued to individuals who bring realistic replica explosives to checkpoints and to those who interfere with the security screening process. … This occurred on September 4th at the Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR).

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Alat peledak rakitan palsu ini menyebabkan enam jalur pos pemeriksaan ditutup di Bandara Internasional Newark Liberty.

TSA kemudian mengetahui bahwa "pria yang membawa IED di tas jinjingnya sedang melakukan perjalanan ke Florida untuk berpartisipasi dalam acara pelatihan yang berfokus pada deteksi sinar-X dari perangkat peledak." Syukurnya, para agen TSA sudah mendapatkan pelatihan mereka.


6. Bom Dinamit Palsu

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Even if not real, replica or inert explosives are not allowed, at all, in carry-on or checked bags. Never. Nay. Nope. Negatory. Yeah, no... … While the actual item here looks a bit Wile E. Coyote-ish, the X-ray image was far more realistic. ... When our officers spot a potential explosive on the X-ray monitor, they cannot just take the traveler’s word that the item is not real. A TSA Explosives Specialist or Police Department Bomb Squad must respond before the bag is ever opened. This can lead to costly evacuations, delays, and missed flights while explosives professionals determine whether the item is real or not. These types of items can lead to hefty fines and arrest. … This replica Improvised Explosive Device (IED) was in a traveler’s carry-on bag at the Chicago O’Hare International Airport (ORD). As a result, the checkpoint was closed for a total of 19 minutes before the Chicago Police Bomb Squad was able to respond and clear the item.

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Itu mungkin 100 persen palsu — tetapi tiruan itu tidak diizinkan masuk melalui keamanan di Bandara Internasional Chicago O'Hare.

Apa pun yang menyerupai senjata akan menyebabkan pemeriksaan keamanan yang ketat. (Dalam hal ini, pos pemeriksaan keamanan ditutup selama 19 menit, membuat banyak penumpang menjadi tidak nyaman karena harus menunggu untuk sekian lama).