
Introverted Veiled Woman Arrested After Bringing Gun to Meet Jokowi

The woman reportedly disagrees with the country's ideology., Jakarta - A 25-year-old Jakartan woman was arrested after bringing a gun to the Freedom Palace, Central Jakarta. The palace officers decided to restrain her because she was behaving suspiciously.

The woman dressed with a veil, and she reportedly wanted to meet Jokowi because she disagreed with the country's ideology. Her husband is also a suspect for allegedly involved in a radical group.

The incident took place on Tuesday morning (25/10) around 07.00. The woman named Siti Elina was also pointing a gun at the Presidential Security Force (Paspampres).

"Precisely in front of the Palace entrance, (she) approached the Paspampres member on duty," said Latif Usman, Trafic Director of Metropolitan Police.

Other officers nearby approached the spot and took the gun from the suspect. No one was injured in the incident.

The Commander of Paspampres Wahyu Hidayat Sudjatmiko said the woman brought a FN gun. He confirmed that she did not breach the Freedom Palace, but he did say she pointed gun at a Paspampres member.

The woman was later brought to the Metropolitan Police HQ to be questioned.

On Wednesday (26/10), Metropolitan Police said that the woman wanted to meet President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). Siti Elina said Indonesia was mistaken because not using the Pancasila ideology instead of Islamic law.

Pancasila (Five Principles) is Indonesia's ideology that is designed to support the unity and diversity of Indonesia. The radical groups often oppose and criticize the Pancasila ideology.

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A Quiet Girl

The family of Siti Elina said that there were a lot of weird things about her before the incident in front of the Freedom Palace.

Her sister-in-law, Rut Aminah, said it started when she separated from her husband, Bahrul. The husband has also become a suspect for his relationship with terrorist group.

"After being abandoned by the husband, she was kind of blanked," said Rut Aminah who lives not far from Siti Elina's place.

Siti Elina is from North Jakarta.

Rut Aminah said Siti Elina often walked without direction, and then suddenly stayed quiet without cause.

"Often met me on the street, silently blanking. 'Go home, Teh. What are you doing on the street,' like that," said Rut Aminah.

Siti Elina then answered, "Yes, will go home later, Mba."

Teh and mba are Indonesian regional words to politely address elder sisters.

"For the last few days it's weird. I also already had a premonition," Rut Aminah said about the incident.

Siti Elina is also known for her quiet nature. She does not open up to her family.

"The child is discreet, including to us. About domestic issues she is also discreet," Rut continued.

Furthermore, Siti Elina is said to be religious, but the family does not know in which place she followed the Quran reading (pengajian). Pengajian is a popular activity among the religious Muslims in Indonesia, but Siti never tells her family about the location of her gathering.

However, Rut says Siti met her future husband there. Their religion teacher helped to estabiish a relationship between them.

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Husband Also Became Suspect

The Anti-terror Force Densus 88 is also involved in this case. They arrested me Siti Elina's husband, Bahrul Ulum, as another suspect. Bahrul is suspected of his involvement in the terrorist group Islamic State of Indonesia (Negara Islam Indonesia or NII). 

The head of operational assistance unit of Densus 88, Aswin Siregar, made Bahrul as the suspect after investigating his wife's action in front of the Merdeka Palace.

Bahrul is not a part of the NII structure, but he helps the terror group on its activities. As a result, he is charged with the anti-terrorism law. 

"First, he was pledged. That means recognizing the existence and establishment of NII. Second, he was not involved structurally. He just oftens helps or accompanies their treasurer," said Aswin. 

However, family member said the Bahrul and Siti recently separated.

Siti has also become a suspect, and her social media show her involvement with Hizbut Tahrir of Indonesia (HTI) and NII, both groups are forbidden in Indonesia.

However, Siti is currently charged with the possession of illegal firearms law.