
Sumatran Tiger Assaulted a Sleeping Worker at Industrial Forest

The tiger was managed to jump over the safety fence., Pekanbaru - A worker at an industrial forest in Riau Province was assaulted by a tiger while he was sleeping at this barack. The tiger managed to jump over the safety fence.

The incident took place at industrial plantation forest at Indragiri Hilir regency. The forest is very close to the wildlife forest. Sumatran tiger is a protected animal.

According to the local natural resources conservation office, the tiger attacked the man earlier this week on Tuesday, 3 January 2023.

The victim named Arif was wounded on his right hand, but survived the attack.

Chaos ensued in the barrack when Arif started the scream because his hand was bitten by the tiger, and the beast tried to pull him outside the barack.

The scream was able to spook the tiger who decided to run away. The other workers decided not to pursue the tiger as they focused on tending Arif's wound.

"The victim managed to be evacuated," said Andre Hasnsen Siregar, a leading official from the natural resources conservation office in Riau.

The barack was made of wood, and the fence around it was only a meter tall. The fence was still intact, and the tiger was believed to simply jump.

Based on its footprints, the tiger was allegedly still a teenager and training how to hunt. The location of the industrial forest is only 50 meters from the wildlife forest of Riau.
