, Jakarta - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is receiving a high approval rating, yet people from different generations want change of government. According to a survey from KedaiKopi, 61.3% of respondents do not want another government like Jokowi's.
"The biggest dissatisfaction is in the law sector. The public views the law enforcement in the era of Jokowi's government as not achieving [targets]," said Rosnindar Prio, communication specialist of KedaiKOPI, Friday (23/6/2023).
See the breakdowns of ups and downs in Jokowi's administration:
Good Infrastructure
Overall, 77.1% respondents feel satisfied with President Widodo's government. The two favorite programs are good infrastructures (34%) and social aids (30%). Infrastructure development is always President Jokowi's forte.
Respondents give high approval of healthcare during President Jokowi's government (72.6%). Good access to education also receives praise (70.3%).
But 22.9% say they are not satisfied with the gov't. Their chief criticism is uncontrollable price increase (35.2%) and social aids that missed the marks (25.9%).
The Controversy
People are divided about proper wages. Up to 48.6% say Jokowi's government does not achieve success in this regard. Moreover, 52.7% think Jokowi is not doing well in providing jobs for people.
In 2020, Jokowi faced large oppositions from labors and students because of the so-called Omnibus Law (Job Creation Law) which is seen not protecting the workers' rights.
The worst score is in corruption/nepotism. The majority (62.1%) agrees President Joko Widodo does not achieve good results in this aspect.
Boomers, Millennials, Gen Z Finally Agree on Something
President Joko Widodo, head of PDI-P and former president Megawati Soekarnoputri, and PDI-P presidential candidate for 2024 elections, Governor Ganjar Pranowo. Photo: Zakharia
When asked whether they want the next administration to be like President Joko Widodo's government, the majority agrees they want no such thing (61.3%).
That result may spell trouble for Governor Ganjar Pranowo of Middle Java who is nominated as the presidential candidate by the Indonesian Democratic Party-Struggle (PDI-P) in which Jokowi is part of.
Interestingly, the opposition toward another Jokowi-like government comes from all different generations: Boomers (67.1%), Millennials (62.4%), and Gen Z (60.5%). Economics equality is the biggest concern (40.7) for those who want change.
Jokowi's government, however, receives good support from Gen X (57.1%).
"Gen Y is our highest respondents," Rosi explained, "they are in the age range of 26-41 years old," Rosi explained.
There were 411 people of Millennials who participated in this survey. "Gen Y is our highest respondents ... they are in the age range of 26-41 years old," Rosi explained.
The survey from KedaiKopi was conducted between 29 May - 7 June 2023 by using face-to-face interview to 1,200 respondends in 38 provinces. Sampling error plus or minus 2.83% with confidence interval 95.0%.
Muhammad Radityo Priyasmoro contributed to this report.