
Akibat Virus Corona, 6 Konser Ini Batal Digelar di Indonesia

Deretan musisi ini batalkan konsernya di Indonesia akibat virus Corona., Jakarta Wabah virus Corona hingga kini masih membayangi dan mngancam mesyarakat dunia, tak terkecuali Indonesia. Beberapa negara di Asia sebelumnya sudah mendapatkan kasus warganya terjangkit Covid-19 ini.

Bahkan terbaru, terdapat dua orang WNI dinyatakan positif Corona. Pada Senin (2/3/2020) lalu Presiden Joko Widodo menyampaikan pernyataan tersebut setelah mendapatkan laporan dari Menteri Kesehatan Terawan Agus Putranto.

Mulai mewabahnya virus Corona di Asia, tak hanya membuat masyarakat waspada tetapi juga sejumlah kegiatan batal dilaksanakan. Seperti beberapa musisi yang menunda untuk konser di Indonesia. Tercatat mulai dari Rich Brian hingga Khalid telah mengeluarkan kabar jika membatalkan konser mereka.

Berikut ini 6 konser musisi luar negeri yang batal menyapa penggemarnya di Indonesia, dirangkum dari berbagai sumber oleh, Rabu (4/3/2020).

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1. Rich Brian dan kawan-kawan umumkan batal konser di Jakarta akibat virus Corona yang sudah masuk ke Indonesia.

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2. Band metal asal Italia, Lacuna Coil, juga umumkan batal menyapa penggemarnya di festival musik Hammersonic 2020 pada 27 dan 28 Maret mendatang di Jakarta.

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3. Konser ‘Khalid Free Spirit World Tour’ di Asia, termasuk di Jakarta juga ditunda. Awalnya ia akan konser di Istora Senayan Jakarta pada 28 Maret 2020.

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4. Grup metal lainnya, Vulvodynia juga menunda menyapa penggemar di Indonesia akibat Corona di Hammersonic 2020.

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😭😷⛔Asia Tour Cancelled⛔😷😭 . We are heartbroken to announce that we have to cancel our Asian 2020 tour in March. The Coronavirus has made it really hard for us to safely and successfully conduct the planned tour. Due to our China dates being cancelled and not recovering from losing more than half of the tour, we were left with no other choice. We tried to find various solutions and workarounds. . Vulvodynia has never cancelled a show or tour before, and we feel absolutely horrible... 😢 . Our sincerest apologies go out to all the fans, venues, and promoters who worked tirelessly on this tour. A MASSIVE thanks goes out to Somprasong Makkhasakul (AKA Slamman Booking Asia) for booking the tour and trying everything in his power to save the tour! 💔 . We love you all and we will stop at nothing to make it to Asia in the future! ❤️ Thanks for all the endless support and stay safe out there! 😢

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5. Penggemar K-Pop juga harus bersabar. Boygroup AB6IX juga menunda konser dunia mereka di Jakarta. AB6IX rencananya datang ke Indonesia pada 11 April 2020.

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TICKET SALES AND CONCERT POSTPONEMENT NOTICE Due to the Corona Virus issue, which is currently a global issue, after discussion with BRANDNEW MUSIC as artist management and iMe Indonesia as promoter of “AB6IX 1st WORLD TOUR <6IXENSE> IN JAKARTA”, we decided to postpone the ticket sales and the concert that scheduled to be hold in 11 April 2020 3PM at Tennis Indoor Senayan in consideration of safety to the artist and the fans. We will announce the rescheduled date of the concert soon. We sincerely apologize for all the inconveniences and thank you for your understanding. For more information and updates please check iMe Indonesia social media. #AB6IX #AB6IXinJKT #6IXENSEinJKT #iMeIndonesia #iMeGroup

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6. Tak hanya fans AB6IX, Kim Jae-joong juga menunda untuk bertemu dengan fansnya di Jakarta. Kim Jae-joong dijadwalkan gelar tur Asia termasuk Jakarta pada 7 Maret 2020.

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2020 KIM JAE JOONG ASIA TOUR CONCERT IN JAKARTA CONCERT POSTPONEMENT NOTICE To prevent the spread of new corona viruses and safety issue of Jaefans, the artist, staff and everyone who involved in this concerts. C-JeS Entertainment as the artist management and iMe Indonesia as the promoter of “2020 KIM JAE JOONG ASIA TOUR CONCERT IN JAKARTA” has decided to postpone the show which is scheduled to be held on 7th March 2020 3PM at Istora Senayan to a new date on 2nd May 2020 8PM at Tennis Indoor Senayan. Tickets purchased by customers will remain valid for a new concert date. However, if the ticket holders not able to attend the show for the rescheduled date, tickets can be refund. The refund time will be given only until 9th March 2020 and customers who decided to keep the tickets will be informed with the new seats starts from 11th March 2020. If you have any questions please contact LOKET customer service 021-80600822 or email to We sincerely apologize for all the inconveniences and thank you for your understanding. We hope for your continuous support and look forward to see you all at the concert. #KimJaeJoong #KimJaeJoonginJKT #iMeIndonesia

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