Weekly Highlights: 'Dear Terrorists, We are Not Afraid'
Weekly highlights serves you with the most Indonesia-focused news and latest update this week including Jakarta terror attacks.
Komjen Anang: Penyidik Arogan, Cerminan Pengawasan Atasan Minim
Komjen Anang memfokuskan diri terhadap beberapa perubahan, termasuk pembenahan internal khususnya di jajaran penyidik Bareskrim Polri.
Weekly Highlights: Chiropractor Malpractice Tragedy in Indonesia
Weekly Highlights is ready to serve the latest development of previous stories and the newest updates on freshly occurring events.
Dubes Aleksidze: Ini Keuntungan Pengusaha RI Berbisnis di Georgia
Dubes Georgia Zurab Aleksidze mengatakan, negaranya siap jadi jembatan Indonesia ke Uni Eropa.
Aero Aswar: Jadi Juara Dunia Jetski Ada Resepnya
Aero Sutan Aswar, belum genap berusia 22 tahun, tapi sudah menyabet gelar juara dunia olahraga jetski.
Weekly Highlights: Examining the Future of Jerusalem
Liputan6.com has selectively picked a few worth enough for our nationwide and worldwide online user base to be updated.
Philo Armand: Balapan GP2 Lebih Sulit Ketimbang F1
Philo Paz Patric Armand salah satu pembalap muda harapan Indonesia untuk menembus Formula Satu (F1).
Weekly Highlights: From U.S Mass Shooting to RI Freeport Scandal
Serving you the most updated and informative news occurring on a weekly basis.
South Korean Ambassador: Trade Surplus is in Indonesia's Favor
RI and South Korea have spent more than four decades spent getting to know each other better diplomatically.
Dubes Cho: KFX/IFX Buatan RI-Korsel Jet Tempur Masa Depan
Duta Besar Korsel untuk Indonesia Cho Tai-young menegaskan Indonesia adalah mitra strategis Korea Selatan. Bukan teman biasa.