
Nonton Film di AS, Raline Shah Akrab dengan Lady Gaga dan Bradley Cooper

Raline Shah sempat menghadiri premiere film terbaru Bradley Cooper dan Lady Gaga., Jakarta - Beberapa waktu lalu, publik sempat dicengangkan oleh foto Raline Shah sedang berada di Los Angeles, Amerika Serikat. Tak tanggung-tanggung, di situ Raline terlihat berpose dengan aktor Hollywood Bradley Cooper dan Lady Gaga.

Diketahui, foto itu diambil saat Raline Shah sedang menghadiri premiere film terbaru Bradley Cooper dan Lady Gaga, The Star is Born. Film tersebut merupakan debut Bradley Cooper sebagai sutradara.

Tampak Raline menandai foto tersebut berlokasi di Shrine Auditorium & Expo Hall yang diketahui merupakan salah satu tempat besar di Amerika Serikat.

Tak ada luapan kecanggungan maupun kehebohan dari Raline Shah dalam foto yang diunggahnya di Instagram @ralineshah itu, beberapa waktu lalu. Malahan, Raline menuliskan keterangan berisi kesannya setelah menonton The Star is Born.

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Lagu-Lagu yang Melekat

Menurutnya, film debut Bradley Cooper sebagai sutradara ini menyisakan lagu-lagu yang melekat di kepalanya. Raline juga sedikit membocorkan tema filmnya yang sukses menyayat hatinya.

"With (now) director Bradley Cooper at the premiere of “The Star is Born” in LA. Beyond impressed with his directorial debut not to mention superb performance. I still have the songs stuck in my head and my heart still aches from watching this heart wrenching movie," tulis Raline Shah.

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Memuji Kekompakan

Selain itu, Raline Shah juga turut memuji kekompakan antara Bradley Cooper dan Lady Gaga yang dianggapnya sangat nyata. Raline juga tak sungkan mengungkapkan dirinya merupakan penggemar Lady Gaga dan semakin hormat kepada sang penyanyi setelah menonton film ini.

"The chemistry between Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga’s character was so real, raw and deep that I couldn’t help but fall in love with them. Have always been a huge fan of Lady Gaga, but I have a new found respect for her after watching this movie and truly understanding all the hard work and sacrifices stars have to make to be who they are," Raline melanjutkan.

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Menutup keterangannya, Raline Shah mengaku terinspirasi dengan konsep film tersebut yang intinya adalah perjuangan untuk menjadi diri yang sebenarnya dan diharapkan orang lain.

"The insecurities they face everyday, the fight to be who you really are and who others expect you to be.Truly inspiring. #worldwithoutstrangers #astarisborn #selfies #cried #a #whole #tea #cup," ia menutup keterangannya.

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With (now) director Bradley Cooper at the premiere of “The Star is Born” in LA. Beyond impressed with his directorial debut not to mention superb performance. I still have the songs stuck in my head and my heart still aches from watching this heart wrenching movie. The chemistry between Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga’s character was so real, raw and deep that I couldn’t help but fall in love with them. Have always been a huge fan of Lady Gaga, but I have a new found respect for her after watching this movie and truly understanding all the hard work and sacrifices stars have to make to be who they are. The insecurities they face everyday, the fight to be who you really are and who others expect you to be.Truly inspiring. #worldwithoutstrangers #astarisborn #selfies #cried #a #whole #tea #cup

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