, Jakarta “First Times” merupakan salah satu lagu yang terdapat dalam album baru Ed Sheeran bertajuk “=” (Equals). Dalam album yang rilis pada 29 Oktober 2021 kemarin, “First Times” ada di urutan ketiga.
Sesuai judulnya, lagu ini bercerita tentang momen pertama tak terlupakan yang dilalui bersama kekasih. Petikan gitar yang dominan kian menambah romantis lagu berdurasi tiga menit lima detik ini.
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Melalui kanal resmi YouTube miliknya, Ed Sheera telah merilis video lirik “First Times”. Berikut lirik lagu “First Times” dari Ed Sheeran.
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Kesuksesan tur Divide akan mengantarkan Ed Sheeran menjadi seorang miliarder sebelum berusia 30 tahun. ED dikabarkan akan melampaui rekor U2 saat menjalani rangkaian tur dunia.
Lirik Lagu Ed Sheeran berjudul First Times
I thought it'd feel different playing Wembley
80,000 singing with me
It's what I've been chasing 'cause this is the dream
When it was all over, I cleared out the room
Grabbed a couple beers, just me and you
Then we start talking the way that we do
Ain't it funny how the simplest things in life can make a man
Little moments that pass us by
Oh, but I remember
The first kiss, the first night, the first song that made you cry
The first drink, red wine, on a step in Brooklyn
I still feel the first fight, but we both made it out alive
And I can't wait to make a million more first times
The greatest thing that I have achieved
Is four little worlds down on one knee
You said, 'Darling, are you joking?'
And I just said please
Ain't it funny how the simplest things in life can make a man
Little moments that pass us by
Oh, but I remember
The first kiss, the first night, the first song that made you cry
The first look in your eyes when I said I love you
I can still feel the butterflies from when we stumbled home that night
I can't wait to make a million more first times
Ain't it funny how the simplest things in life can make a man
Little moments that pass us by
Oh, but I remember
The first kiss, the first night, the first song that made you cry
The first dance at moonlight in your parents' garden
I can't wait to see everything that's yet to be
Our first child, and then a million more first times