, Jakarta - Aksi penembakan terhadap sebuah masjid di wilayah Christcurch, Selandia Baru saat ibadah salat dikecam oleh warganet.
Aksi tersebut sempat memakan korban warga negara Indonesia yang melakukan ibadah salat Jumat.
Warganet pun mengutuk keras terhadap aksi teror tersebut. Hal ini disampaikan lewat linimasa Twitter dan media sosial lainnya.
Pantauan Tekno, Jumat (15/3/2019), topik mengenai penembakan ini menjadi trending topic di linimasa Twitter dengan tagar seperti New Zealand, Selandia Baru, Christcurch, hingga Teroris.
Pengguna dengan akun @usmankariwahab mengucapkan duka cita atas penembakan tersebut. Ia juga mendoakan agar amal ibadah para korban dibalas surga. "Dan pelaku laknatullah diberikan neraka jahannm," cuitnya.
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Reaksi kemarahan dikicaukan juga oleh pengguna Twitter lainnya. Dia mengucapkan duka cita dan mengejek wajah teroris. "Pengen gue gesek-gesekin berkali-kali di aspal," ujarnya menyuarakan kemarahan.
Pengguna lainnya menyebut, ada 40 orang yang menjadi korban penembakan di masjid Selandia Baru tersebut.
Ucapan duka cita juga diucapkan oleh warganet lainnya di Indonesia sebagai tanda bahwa dunia ikut mengutuk aksi kejam tersebut.
Berikut ini adalah sejumlah lantunan doa, belasungkawa, dan beberapa warganet mengutuk aksi brutal penembakan di Christcurch.
Just heard news of the devastating reports from New Zealand Christchurch. I feel absolutely sickened having my name uttered by this person.My heart and thoughts go out to the victims, families and everyone affected by this tragedy.
— ƿ૯ωძɿ૯ƿɿ૯ (@pewdiepie) March 15, 2019
Strongly condemn the Christchurch, New Zealand, terrorist attack on mosques. This reaffirms what we have always maintained: that terrorism does not have a religion. Prayers go to the victims and their families.#Christchurch
— Ameer Hamza (@Hamzakhanjyf) March 15, 2019
My thoughts and prayers for the families and friends of the victims of this sickening and terrifying mass murder in New Zealand. #NewZealandShooting #NewZealandMosqueShooting #MuslimLivesMatter
— Cllr Saima Ashraf (@CllrAshraf) March 15, 2019
Ucapan Belasungkawa Warganet Terhadap Korban
My thought and prayers to anyone after this dark 24hours in Brasil and New Zealand 😢. Stay strong and united in the worst moments
— Jean-Francois Caron (@Nuddle_LoL) March 15, 2019
prayers up to all my Muslim brothers in New Zealand
— 🦍 (@KurniaAgungD) March 15, 2019
So sad to hear the brutal act in mosque in New Zealand, Terrorist have no religion... Prayers for all those who lost their lives and their familiesStop terrorism!🙏Stop killing innocent people🙏🙏🙏#NewZealandMosqueAttack
— Mahnoor🇵🇰 (@iMahnoor_09) March 15, 2019
#prayfornewzealand #PrayForMuslimsInChristchurch
— raufsanjanisyam (@Raufsanjani) March 15, 2019
Mengutuk Aksi Brutal Penembakan
Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun 😢💔 #prayforchristchurch #prayfornewzealand
— Dian Putri Pratama (@pu_puty) March 15, 2019
Let's pray for those innocent people that have lost their lives to a cowardly attack at the two. Mosques in nz #prayfornewzealand #NZMosqueShooting may your souls rest in peace and you'll get what u deserve u coward vile dog murderes
— shaheen (@shaney_10) March 15, 2019
Sadis banget. Semoga lekas ditangkap dan diadili seberat2nya! #prayfornewzealand
— Youlle Yellow (@YoulleYellow) March 15, 2019
Deepest condolences to all family members whose involved in the shooting incident in Christchurch mosque just now. May Allah grant justice for them 😔#Pray4Christchurch #prayfornewzealand #PrayForMuslimsInChristchurch
— hafizzamri (@MuhdHafiez) March 15, 2019
Terkutuklah. Teroris. Dimanapun kau berada. #prayfornewzealand
— Yakub Pryatama W.A (@yakubukay) March 15, 2019
they say Islam is a terrorist, but they shoot Islam while they are praying, who is the real terrorist? #prayfornewzealand #PrayForNZ
— Tan Sri Syauqi💯 (@NabilSyauqi_) March 15, 2019
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